This Sunday we will all celebrate our Mothers, show them our appreciation and love, thank them for everything they have done for and given us over the years. However, celebrations of any kind are a little, how should we say, tricky at the moment. If only we could postpone it, move the day to when we can be with our mothers and celebrate them the way we wished we could. Sadly, it is not up to us, so hopefully these following ideas might help all of us that cannot be with our mothers this Sunday, celebrate them none the less – despite coronavirus restrictions.
First off, here is a little something from us, here at SNOWMAN New York, to show our appreciation for all the mothers out there:
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If, like many of us, you are not able to toast mom in person, we hope that you find the guide helpful. In the era of COVID-19, holidays will feel a little different. Despite the current restrictions on our ability to leave our homes and the potential risk we might expose our older relatives to, it should not stop us from celebrating. Whether you are isolating together or unfortunately apart, there are plenty of ways for us to show our Mothers our love.
Idea One
Create a specific time to celebrate via Zoom, Google Hangout, Life size or other video-conference platforms of your choice.
Idea Two
Get out the old photo albums. Share them through video chat or create a digital photo album you can share. Nothing like laughing together over old memories and photos.
Idea Three
A home cooked meal is a great way to show your love. Do not let the distance stop you. Find a recipe that you both love and virtually cook or bake together.
Idea Four
Cooking not really on the menu? Order and have delivered from your mom’s favorite restaurant.
Idea Five
Need to spice it up even more? Put that DIY cocktail bar to good use and have a virtual Happy Hour.
We hope these ideas will give you inspiration as to how to celebrate your mom even if you cannot be with her. After all, as they say, it is the thought that counts the most, right? Show her your love and appreciation. We will all hopefully have the time soon where we can show our love in person. Until then let her now how much she means to you.
Mothers, we celebrate you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the love, patience, hugs and kisses you have given us over the years.
You are the best!